A time, times and half a time

A Time, Times, and Half a Time (Dan. 12:7)

Both Old and New Testaments prophesy about a three-and-a-half-year tribulation, and there is much evidence...
Picture of Nicolae Carpathia, the antichrist in the movie Left Behind, with the words Antichrist Defined

Antichrist Defined

Contrary to sensationalist end-time preachers and Hollywood, the term antichrist does not refer to some...
The words "What now...post-Second Coming?" next to a confused lady.

What Now…Post-Second Coming? (video)

If the Second Coming happened in AD 70, then what are Christians supposed to be...
Behold I am coming quickly

“Behold, I Am Coming QUICKLY” – Rev. 22:7 (video)

This video examines Jesus’ statement about coming “quickly” (Rev. 22:7) and shows that Jesus meant...
Jesus wearing with a crown representing his reign

Jesus Reigns…Now and Forever!

“For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last...
Chart showing prophecies on the left side and fulfillments on the right side.

Israel’s Last Days: Prophecy / Fulfilment

1500 years before the time of Jesus, Moses prophesied what would happen in Israel’s last...
Picture of a statue of Moses with the following words superimposed: Deuteronomy 32:35 - Israel's last days.

Deuteronomy 32:35 – Israel’s Last Days (video)

1500 years before the time of Jesus, Moses prophesied in Deuteronomy 32:35 that in Israel's...
Ancient Jews hiding in a cave from the wrath of the Lord

Hiding in Caves from the Wrath of the Lord

Another Bible prophecy that was fulfilled in the first century involves “hiding in caves” and...
Can Matthew 24 Be Divided at verses 34 and 35, indicating already fulfilled and still future?

Can Matthew 24 Be Divided into Two Sections? (video)

Many Christians believe Matthew 24 is divided into two sections. They believe verses 1-34 refer...
The Jewish temple being destroyed with fire and heavenly objects

The Abomination of Desolation

“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing...
A lady's wedding ring leaning against a man's wedding ring with a banner reading: "Does Marriage End After the 2nd Coming / Resurrection?

Does Marriage End After the 2nd Coming / Resurrection? (video)

Many Christians believe marriage will one day end, based on Jesus’ discussion with the Sadducees...
A tomb with an ancient alarm clock sitting on top of it

Resurrection Timing Indicators

Here is a list of statements by Jesus and the apostles concerning the timing of...
Statue of a man swinging a hammer and beating a sword into a plowshare.

Swords Will Be Beaten into Plowshares…Fulfilled! (video)

Opponents of preterism—as well as skeptics of Christianity in general—often point to the passages about...