Hymenaeus Heresy Video

Preterism and the Hymenaeus Heresy (video)

Preterists are often charged with the Hymenaeus Heresy for teaching that the resurrection has already...
Dim Mirror no background

Perfected Knowledge

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is...
Fullness of Gentiles

The Fullness of the Gentiles

Many Christians believe the “fullness of the Gentiles” refers to a set number of Gentiles...
Heaven and Earth Video

The Passing of Heaven and Earth (video)

Does the "passing of heaven and earth" refer to the destruction of the planet...or is...
Building from heaven

New Building From Heaven (2 Cor. 5:1-3)

Will Christians get new “buildings”—that is, new physical bodies—from heaven at the Resurrection? Those who...
How Could the Church be wrong VIDEO

How Could the Church Err About the Second Coming for 2000 Years? (video)

Church creeds and traditions are important; but they are not infallible. This video shows how...
How could the church miss the 2nd Coming - video

How Did the Church Miss the Second Coming? (video)

Preterists believe the Second Coming happened in AD 70, based on passages such as Matthew...
Israel 1

Who Is Israel Today?

We often hear Christians saying we should bless Israel. And it’s true; we should. But...
Expect Delays traffic sign

Did Jesus Delay His Second Coming? (video)

Did Jesus teach he would delay his return for thousands of years? Those who say...
Satan crushed 3

The Crushing of Satan…in AD 70

When does the Bible say Satan would be crushed? Let’s lay aside our traditions and...
Cemetary with graves showing

Raised Up on the Last Day

Many Christians believe that all God’s people will be resurrected on the last day of...
The Rapture video

The Rapture: Is It Biblical? (video)

This video discusses the doctrine of the Rapture--whether or not the Bible teaches it. It...
Many people with armes raised with ancient weapons.

When Was the Tribulation?

During his earthly ministry in AD 30, Jesus predicted “great tribulation, such as has not...