
Hymenaeus Heresy Video

Preterism and the Hymenaeus Heresy (video)

Preterists are often charged with the Hymenaeus Heresy for teaching that the resurrection has already...
Heaven and Earth Video

The Passing of Heaven and Earth (video)

Does the "passing of heaven and earth" refer to the destruction of the planet...or is...
How Could the Church be wrong VIDEO

How Could the Church Err About the Second Coming for 2000 Years? (video)

Church creeds and traditions are important; but they are not infallible. This video shows how...
How could the church miss the 2nd Coming - video

How Did the Church Miss the Second Coming? (video)

Preterists believe the Second Coming happened in AD 70, based on passages such as Matthew...
Expect Delays traffic sign

Did Jesus Delay His Second Coming? (video)

Did Jesus teach he would delay his return for thousands of years? Those who say...
The Rapture video

The Rapture: Is It Biblical? (video)

This video discusses the doctrine of the Rapture--whether or not the Bible teaches it. It...
1 Thessalonians 4 part 2 Video

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18…Fulfilled! Part Two (video)

This is part two of a two-part series on 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, which is one...
1 Thess 4 Part 1 video

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18…Fulfilled! Part One (video)

This is part one of a two-part series on 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, which is one...
Bright orange sunrise depicting a new day dawning.

When is the Millennium? (video)

Premillennialist. Amillennialist. Postmillennialist. Preterist. Who's right? This video explains the different views of the Millennium...
Kingdom of God video

The Coming of THE KINGDOM OF GOD (video)

What is the Kingdom of God? And when did Jesus and the prophets say it...