Alex Polyak, Director of The Bible Fulfilled
When is the Millennium? (video)
Premillennialist. Amillennialist. Postmillennialist. Preterist. Who's right? This video explains the different views of the Millennium...
The Coming of THE KINGDOM OF GOD (video)
What is the Kingdom of God? And when did Jesus and the prophets say it...
Does Marriage End at the Second Coming?
Many Christians believe marriage ends at the Second Coming, based on the following dialogue between...
Does the Bible Prophesy a Future Judgment? (video)
Does the Bible prophesy about a future judgment at the end of the current age?...
The Mark of the Beast
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive...
The Man of Sin–Future or Past? (video)
Who is the infamous Man of Sin spoken about in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12? Is he...
The Preaching of the Gospel to All the World
One of the objections to preterism–which is the view that Jesus came on clouds in...
Are We Living in the Last Days? (video)
If you listen to many big name pastors, you'd probably think we are living in...