
A compass with the words local, global and local.

The Second Coming: Global or Local?

Although many Christians believe the second coming will be a global event, the New Testament...
A model of the temple in ancient times.

The Third Temple

Because of all the speculation and controversy regarding the topic of the "third temple," I...
A word that is written in metal blocks.

Prophecies Fulfilled in the First Century

Let's explore the many biblical prophecies that were fulfilled in the first century, specifically around...
The planet burning with fire

The Elements Will Melt with Fervent Heat

"The Heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent...
A black and white drawing of people gathered around jesus

The Gathering of the Elect

The "gathering of the elect" is linked to Jesus' second coming and happened in the...
A planet with fire and smoke coming from it.

The Passing of Heaven and Earth

Many Christians believe heaven and earth will literally be destroyed at the second coming, based...
A yellow sign that says the end is near.

The End of the Age

"Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your...
A blue map with the following lines in it.

The Already and Not Yet

The New Testament is filled with New Covenant realities that had already arrived in part...
A word is spelled out on top of an open bible.

The Passing of the Law

Many Christians believe the Law/Old Covenant ended when Jesus died on the cross in approximately...
A cross with jesus on it in front of the sunset.

Salvation and the Cross

Although many Christians believe salvation was obtained at the cross, that's technically incorrect. Salvation was...