
The planet burning with fire

The Elements Will Melt with Fervent Heat

"The Heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent...
A black and white drawing of people gathered around jesus

The Gathering of the Elect

The "gathering of the elect" is linked to Jesus' second coming and happened in the...
A planet with fire and smoke coming from it.

The Passing of Heaven and Earth

Many Christians believe heaven and earth will literally be destroyed at the second coming, based...
A yellow sign that says the end is near.

The End of the Age

"Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your...
A blue map with the following lines in it.

The Already and Not Yet

The New Testament is filled with New Covenant realities that had already arrived in part...
A word is spelled out on top of an open bible.

The Passing of the Law

Many Christians believe the Law/Old Covenant ended when Jesus died on the cross in approximately...
A cross with jesus on it in front of the sunset.

Salvation and the Cross

Although many Christians believe salvation was obtained at the cross, that's technically incorrect. Salvation was...
A lightning strike in the sky with clouds.

Judgment and Salvation go Hand in Hand

Jesus's coming in AD 70 was cataclysmic judgment of the wicked; however, it was also...
A brown cow standing on top of a hill.

Stay Away from Red Heifer Mythology

Red heifer stories are in the news. “The delivery of five red heifers to Israel...