
A person pointing at an old Jewish scroll, and a pocket watch hanging to the right of it

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy—Fulfilled! (video)

There is much speculation among Christians about the timing of Daniel's Seventy Weeks prophecy (Dan....
A globe with fire coming out of it.

The Elements Will Melt With Fervent Heat (video)

Many Christians say Peter's prophecy about "the elements melting with fervent heat" (2 Peter 3:10–13)...
A picture of the dead end with the words " does ad 7 0 foreshadow the final judgment ?"

Does AD 70 Foreshadow the Final Judgment? (video)

Does the judgment in AD 70 foreshadow an even greater judgment at the end of...
Gavel with world map in the background

The Judgment of the Nations

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him,...
A picture of the city with an explosion coming from it.

Does the Bible Prophesy a Future Judgment? (video)

Does the Bible prophesy about a future judgment at the end of the current age?...
A storm is coming in the background and lightning is behind it.

What is a “Coming of the Lord”? (video)

To understand the Second Coming, we must first understand what an Old Testament "coming of...
A bright sun shining through the clouds on a sunny day.

What is a “Coming of the Lord”?

One of the reasons there is so much confusion about Jesus's second coming is because...
A compass with the words local, global and local.

The Second Coming: Global or Local?

Although many Christians believe the second coming will be a global event, the New Testament...
A word that is written in metal blocks.

Prophecies Fulfilled in the First Century

Let's explore the many biblical prophecies that were fulfilled in the first century, specifically around...
The planet burning with fire

The Elements Will Melt with Fervent Heat

"The Heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent...