
A statue of jesus with a cross in his hand.

In the Days of His Flesh

Does Jesus still have a fleshly body? While the Bible does not explicitly tell us...
In Like Manner

In Like Manner

Since Jesus ascended to heaven in a physical body, must he therefore return in a...
A crowd of people standing in front of the sun.

Every Eye Will See Jesus Coming

"Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who...
A person in black mask holding a flashlight.

Coming as a Thief

While Jesus "came as a thief" to his enemies, it was not like that for...
A bright sun shining through the clouds on a sunny day.

What is a “Coming of the Lord”?

One of the reasons there is so much confusion about Jesus's second coming is because...
A close up of an hourglass with sand in it

The Timing of the Second Coming

To understand the timing of the second coming, we need look no further than Jesus's...
A cross is shown in the sky with lightning.

The Reason for the Second Coming

To better understand the second coming, it helps to understand the reason for it–and Jesus...
A compass with the words local, global and local.

The Second Coming: Global or Local?

Although many Christians believe the second coming will be a global event, the New Testament...