
Israel’s Last Days: Prophecy / Fulfilment
Here's an informative chart showing how the events prophesied by Moses in 1500 BC concerning...

The Christian Establishment’s Glaring Problem
During his earthly ministry in approximately AD 30, Jesus warned his disciples to watch out...

Eschatology Matters!
Preterists [1] have an unhealthy focus on eschatology, warns futurist [2] theologian Ken Gentry. Mr....

Does Preterism Take Away Hope?
“If this is all God had in mind, you can have it” – hyperfuturist Sam...

Preterism and the Hymenaeus Heresy (video)
Preterists are often charged with the Hymenaeus Heresy for teaching that the resurrection has already...

How Could the Church Err About the Second Coming for 2000 Years? (video)
Church creeds and traditions are important; but they are not infallible. This video shows how...

How Did the Church Miss the Second Coming? (video)
Preterists believe the Second Coming happened in AD 70, based on passages such as Matthew...