
A picture of the city with an explosion coming from it.

Does the Bible Prophesy a Future Judgment? (video)

Does the Bible prophesy about a future judgment at the end of the current age?...
A man of sin is the future or past ?

The Man of Sin–Future or Past? (video)

Who is the infamous Man of Sin spoken about in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12? Is he...
A book with an hourglass sitting next to it.

Are We Living in the Last Days? (video)

If you listen to many big name pastors, you'd probably think we are living in...
A crowd of people watching the sun set.

Every Eye Will See Jesus Coming (video)

"Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who...
A picture of the sun and clouds with text that says " in the timing of the second coming ".

The Timing of the Second Coming (video)

To understand the timing of the Second Coming, we need look no further than Jesus's...
A storm is coming in the background and lightning is behind it.

What is a “Coming of the Lord”? (video)

To understand the Second Coming, we must first understand what an Old Testament "coming of...
Picture of the Jewish temple, old scroll, and the Ten Commandment stones

Is Covenant Creation Just Plain Crazy? (video)

This is an introduction to Covenant Creation by guest contributor Tim Martin, co-author of Beyond...
A wooden sculpture with blood on it.

Israel and Adam… Creation as “Old Covenant” is THE BIG DANCE (video)

This video by guest contributor Tim Martin explores the connection between protology and eschatology in...
A man pointing his finger, emphasizing an important point.

How to Stay a Futurist (video)

This is a comical spoof video by Micah Stephens showing how to stay a futurist...
A book cover with an image of the days of vengeance.

Days of Vengeance (video)

This is an excellent exposition of the book of Revelation by David Chilton. Chilton cuts...