A lightning strike in the sky with clouds.

Judgment and Salvation go Hand in Hand

Jesus's coming in AD 70 was cataclysmic judgment of the wicked; however, it was also...
A brown cow standing on top of a hill.

Stay Away from Red Heifer Mythology

Red heifer stories are in the news. “The delivery of five red heifers to Israel...
A book cover with an image of the days of vengeance.

Days of Vengeance (video)

This is an excellent exposition of the book of Revelation by David Chilton. Chilton cuts...
A bible verse is displayed in the background.

You Gotta Be Kidding…Right? (video)

This is a great introduction to preterism by Brian Martin, author of Behind the Veil...
A man in a suit and tie speaking at a podium.

What is Preterism? (video)

Don Preston from the Preterist Research Institute gives a two-part lecture about preterism and eschatology...
Two men in suits and ties sitting on a bench.

Debate: The Validity of Preterism (video)

Don K. Preston and Jason Wallace debate the validity of preterism. They talk about all...
A brick wall with the words romans 1 1 : 2 5 written on it.

Debate: The Fullness of the Gentiles (video)

Dr. Don Preston and Dr. Michael Brown debate Romans 11:25 and the phrase "the fullness...
A black and white photo of dr. Brown

Debate: Replacement Theology (video)

Dr. Michael Brown debates Dr. Gary DeMar on replacement theology, the nation of Israel as...
A blue background with the words " debate israel and chatolon ".

Debate: Israel and Eschatology (video)

Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Don Preston debate Israel and Eschatology. Does Romans 11:25-27 teach...
A painting of the destruction of jerusalem by the romans.

Olivet Discourse–Luke 21–Fulfilled (video)

Old school southern preacher Joe Morecraft shows how the Olivet Discourse (Luke 21) was fulfilled...
A fire is burning in the dark.

The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of Hell (video)

Evangelical Bible scholars around the world are giving hell a second look. Would the God...
Picture of a twisted double helix DNA

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (video)

Scientist Francis Collins shares his journey from atheism to faith. He discusses such topics as...