Alex Polyak, Director of The Bible Fulfilled

The Jewish temple being destroyed with fire and heavenly objects

The Abomination of Desolation

“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing...
A lady's wedding ring leaning against a man's wedding ring with a banner reading: "Does Marriage End After the 2nd Coming / Resurrection?

Does Marriage End After the 2nd Coming / Resurrection? (video)

Many Christians believe marriage will one day end, based on Jesus’ discussion with the Sadducees...
A tomb with an ancient alarm clock sitting on top of it

Resurrection Timing Indicators

Here is a list of statements by Jesus and the apostles concerning the timing of...
Statue of a man swinging a hammer and beating a sword into a plowshare.

Swords Will Be Beaten into Plowshares…Fulfilled! (video)

Opponents of preterism—as well as skeptics of Christianity in general—often point to the passages about...
An stone grave casket with an open cover.

The Resurrection in Matthew 27

“Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then behold,...
A flaming fire heading towards earth, along with the banner "Jesus coming in flaming fire"

Jesus Coming in Flaming Fire…Fulfilled! (video)

Many Christians believe Jesus must still come in flaming fire, per 2 Thessalonians 1:6–8. However,...
The ten commandment tablets broken into pieces.

Does the End of the Law = Lawlessness?

The New Testament teaches that the Law—aka the Old Covenant—ended in the first century. The...
Job, with one arm raised, speaking forcefully to his three friends.

Job’s Resurrection Hope (video)

What was Job's resurrection hope? Did Job expect to be resurrected physically? Many says yes,...
An open Bible with a sand timer in front of it.

What are the Last Days?

Contrary to what many Christians believe, the "last days" does NOT refer to the last...
Picture of Noah's Ark floating in choppy waters. The sky is cloudy, gray, and stormy.

The Flood and the Second Coming (video)

Since Jesus compared his second coming to the flood of Noah's day, does this means...