End of the Age

A picture of the city with an explosion coming from it.

Does the Bible Prophesy a Future Judgment? (video)

Does the Bible prophesy about a future judgment at the end of the current age?...
A book with an hourglass sitting next to it.

Are We Living in the Last Days? (video)

If you listen to many big name pastors, you'd probably think we are living in...
A man holding up a sign and a cross.

Are We in the Last Days?

This article will show that "the last days" refers to the last days of the...
A yellow sign that says the end is near.

The End of the Age

"Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your...
A word is spelled out on top of an open bible.

The Passing of the Law

Many Christians believe the Law/Old Covenant ended when Jesus died on the cross in approximately...
A bible verse is displayed in the background.

You Gotta Be Kidding…Right? (video)

This is a great introduction to preterism by Brian Martin, author of Behind the Veil...