Salvation and the cross

Salvation and the Cross

Although many Christians believe salvation was obtained at the cross, that’s technically incorrect. Salvation was...
judgment and salvation 1

Judgment and Salvation go Hand in Hand

Jesus’s coming in AD 70 was cataclysmic judgment of the wicked; however, it was also...
days of vengeance

Days of Vengeance (video)

This is an excellent exposition of the book of Revelation by David Chilton. Chilton cuts...
Is the End of The World in you Future

Olivet Discourse–Matthew 24–Fulfilled (video)

Tom Mills goes verse by verse through Matthew 24 and shows how it was fulfilled...

What is Preterism? (video)

Don Preston from the Preterist Research Institute gives a two-part lecture about preterism and eschatology...
Debate Preston vs. Wallace

Debate: The Validity of Preterism (video)

Don K. Preston and Jason Wallace debate the validity of preterism. They talk about all...
The Fullness of the Gentiles

Debate: The Fullness of the Gentiles (video)

Dr. Don Preston and Dr. Michael Brown debate Romans 11:25 and the phrase “the fullness...
Replacement Theology Debate

Debate: Replacement Theology (video)

Dr. Michael Brown debates Dr. Gary DeMar on replacement theology, the nation of Israel as...
Israel and Eschatology debate

Debate: Israel and Eschatology (video)

Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Don Preston debate Israel and Eschatology. Does Romans 11:25-27 teach...
Destruction of Jerusalem

Olivet Discourse–Luke 21–Fulfilled (video)

Preacher Joe Morecraft shows how the Olivet Discourse (Luke 21) was fulfilled by AD 70....
You gotta be kidding, right

You Gotta Be Kidding…Right? (video)

This is a great introduction to preterism by Brian Martin, author of Behind the Veil...