A painting of the city with a bright sun shining in it.

The New Jerusalem

What is the New Jerusalem? Many Christians believe it to be a physical city that...
A man running in the air with long hair.

“Behold, I am Coming Quickly” – Jesus AD 65

If we were talking about any other topic but the Second Coming, there would be...
A man with horns and a red nose.

A Small Sample of Bad Christian Prophecy Memes and Comments

Eschatology memes are all the rage on Facebook. One of the most egregious is one...
A large stone building with a wall around it.

Does the Bible Prophesy a Third Temple? (video)

Many Christians and Jews believe another temple will one day be built in Jerusalem, based...
A group of people gathered in the desert.

This Generation (Matt. 24:34) = Jesus’s Generation

"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all...
A book and an empty glass on top of it.

One Day is As a Thousand Years (video)

Many Christians try to get around the New Testament's time indicators about the imminent Second...
A man sitting at a table with a laptop.

The Views of the Millennium

"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless...
A black and white image of two men.

Preterism and the Hymenaeus Heresy (video)

Preterists are often charged with the Hymenaeus Heresy for teaching that the resurrection has already...
A mirror with a cross in the middle of it

Seeing in a Mirror Dimly vs. Perfected Knowledge

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is...
A gold scale with two words on it.

The Fullness of the Gentiles

Many Christians believe the "fullness of the Gentiles" refers to a set number of Gentiles...
A picture of the earth and it's atmosphere.

The Passing of Heaven and Earth (video)

Does the "passing of heaven and earth" refer to the destruction of the planet...or is...
A painting of two people standing on top of a hill.

The Building From God (2 Cor. 5:1-3)

Will Christians get new "buildings"–that is, new physical bodies–from God at the Resurrection? Those who...
A screw and a chisel are next to each other.

How Could the Church Err About the Second Coming for 2000 Years? (video)

Church creeds and traditions are important; but they are not infallible. This video shows how...