
Israel, the Fig Tree Parable, and 1948
Many Christians believe that Israel returning to the land and becoming a nation in 1948...

Does God View Sins Equally?
Many Christians believe that all sins are equal in God’s eyes. Whether someone steals a...

The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord—Fulfilled!
“For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes,...

Does Jesus’s Physical Resurrection Prove That the General Resurrection Is Physical Too?
“Now if Christ…has been raised from the dead, how do some among you [Corinthians] say...

Eschatology Matters!
Preterists [1] have an unhealthy focus on eschatology, warns futurist [2] theologian Ken Gentry. Mr....

The “Times and Seasons” of the Restoration of the Kingdom
Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples had asked him about the timing of...

The Curse Undone
Many Christians believe the curse that God pronounced after Adam and Eve had eaten the...