Picture of Noah's Ark floating in choppy waters. The sky is cloudy, gray, and stormy.

The Flood and the Second Coming (video)

Since Jesus compared his second coming to the flood of Noah's day, does this means...
Man in suit riding horse backwards

Were Jesus’ Disciples Confused in the Olivet Discourse?

Some commentators try to get around Jesus’s timing indicator in the Olivet Discourse—in which Jesus...
An open Bible with a sheave of wheat laying on top of it

Firstfruits of the Resurrection (video)

Many Christians miss the rich meaning behind the firstfruits metaphor in 1 Corinthians 15:20–23. The...
Picture of the Pope holding a staff, a Protestant preacher in a robe, and an evangelical holding a Bible preaching

The Christian Establishment’s Glaring Problem

During his earthly ministry in approximately AD 30, Jesus warned his disciples to watch out...
Old Hebrew Bible text with the superimposed words "Dating of Revelation: AD 65 or AD 95?"

The Dating of Revelation…AD 65 or AD 95? (video)

Was Revelation written in AD 65, predicting the fall of Jerusalem and the dawn of...
Israeli soldiers standing on tank holding up Israeli flag

Israel, the Fig Tree Parable, and 1948

Many Christians believe that Israel returning to the land and becoming a nation in 1948...
Balance scale with sin on one side and adultery on the other

Does God View Sins Equally?

Many Christians believe that all sins are equal in God’s eyes. Whether someone steals a...
Picture of the common perception of hell, including fire and cavernous rocks and glowing red lava

The Three Christian Views of Hell (video)

Did you know there are other views of hell besides the traditional view of eternal...
A great light appearing on the horizon

The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord—Fulfilled!

“For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes,...
World atlas with a superimposed balancing scale

The Judgment of the Nations (video)

Contrary to many Christians, Jesus's prophecy of the judgment of the nations (Matthew 25:31–34) WAS...
Old church painting of Jesus pulling two men out of tombs, one in each hand

Does Jesus’s Physical Resurrection Prove That the General Resurrection Is Physical Too?

“Now if Christ…has been raised from the dead, how do some among you [Corinthians] say...
A person standing in front of a wall with the words zechariah 9-1 4 fulfilled.

Zechariah 9–14: Fulfilled! (video)

Many Christians say the events in Zechariah 9-14 (such as Jesus standing on Mt. Olives...
Pocket watch swinging back and forth

Eschatology Matters!

Preterists [1] have an unhealthy focus on eschatology, warns futurist [2] theologian Ken Gentry. Mr....